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Code of Conduct

We, the coaches, managers, proud parents or guardians and other supporters of Boilers FC promise to be a model coach, manager and/or spectator at Boilers FC sponsored practices/games in which our athletes are a participant.

We will:

• Make the Boilers FC experience enjoyable for all participants. Encourage fair play.

• Promote the emotional & physical well-being of all players, and not show favoritism for any child.

• Not allow individuals to participate in Boilers FC sanctioned games that are not registered with Boilers FC and/or not listed on the team’s official roster.

• Not touch any of the players in a manner that could be construed as unseemly and/or violent in nature, nor will we allow such conduct from any player or other coaches on the team.

• Not use profane language, use tobacco, or drink alcohol.

• Cheer in a positive manner for all players, regardless of which team they represent.

• Not criticize the performance of our child or his/her teammates. Not embarrass our own player by our behavior. Not criticize the opponents of our team.

• Allow the coaches to do the coaching. Not coach from the sidelines as a spectator. Limit our comments to words of encouragement for players.

• Conduct ourselves as coaches in a positive and professional manner at all times. Demonstrate good sportsmanship at all times.

• Respect the calls of the referees. As spectators, have no comments to or interaction with referees. As coaches, discuss a call in a manner that reflects positively on ourselves, the kids, and Boilers FC.

• Teach good sportsmanship to the players. Teach players to win and lose gracefully and without disrespecting the opponent.

• Not use any fields or equipment that are deemed unsafe or hazardous. Always report dangerous conditions to Boilers FC immediately, especially unanchored goals.

• Know and adhere to Boilers FC policy for severe weather and lightning conditions.

We further understand that we will not only represent our player, but also the team and the sport of soccer and will conduct ourselves accordingly. We understand that the Coach and the other parents/relatives of the team will hold us accountable for our actions and behavior. We further understand that Boilers FC will monitor our behavior and will take appropriate action to uphold our Code of Conduct. We also understand that we are to be held accountable to Boilers FC and are subject to ejection and suspension by the organization.